Tuesday, February 23, 2010

ahhh....Kodiak and life

Wow, what a last few weeks it has been. Life is glorious, but challenging! :) Our little gift that stands about 5 foot 4 inches tall has been a tough one lately. It is so amazing how wonderful it feels to have that responsibility such as a child and to get to experience the other feeling of being a mother. Sometimes I catch myself giggling because I will have her over Mother's Day...I wonder if I will get a gift or be honored that day...hehe I can't wait to have kids. I keep reminding Sam that I would be happy to have his kids, but we need something shiny, and sooner is always better than later.

So our blog hasn't been done lately, and I want you to know that it is Sam's fault. I want to put pictures on so badly, but since i have a professional photographer I haven't been carrying around my 3X4 inch Canon since oh, 1.5 years ago. Therefore I don't have access to any pictures to entertain with. Just go to Facebook...his page unless he took your picture then you have it tagged to your page! :)

We finally got our house settled. I made the family clean house this weekend and we finally unpacked all of our boxes and organized our stuff. The big furniture that I bought over Christmas in Kansas finally made it to Kodiak. It is beautiful to have a full bedroom of pretty and such "grown up" furniture. I am loving my house. It's not as warm and wonderful as my Nome apt. but it is filled with way more wonderful things like beautiful, new and MY own furniture and two fun people.

We have been doing a lot of outdoor stuff. Sam has started running daily. He even does better than myself. He goes everyday and with Spalding. We have taken some really hairy hikes. On Presidents Day him and I went on a 4 hour hike to Termination Point. We got so lost. We finally ran into a Navy Seal Instructor who trail blazed for us to get us on the right path. Man, we were exhausted completely by the end of that hike and noted that it will be a hike we only do 1 time per year. SO HARD!!! We have been eating a lot of yummy fish...huge king crab, cod and red salmon. Life is really good! Work is going really well for us. I keep getting lots of referrals to see patients, and eventually I will get to see more diabetic patients and Sam may not look busy when I walk up to see him but I think he is. Everyone loves him at KANA. I started to do more regularly scheduled yoga. I have this horribly tight right hip and since I lost my PT friend who use to do treatments on it in Nome, I thought maybe yoga would be a good practice for me for my hip and my nerves....my nerves that are being tested daily by our 5' 4" "child" :)

Kodiak is absolutely beautiful. It reminds me a lot of Washington around northern Seattle. Rainy, lots of trees and moss, warm for Alaska and just beautiful. We hope you all can come visit some day.

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